An Introduction to The Occult
A NEW monthly post for those wishing to learn more about The Occult.
The Word “Occult”
“I don't hold with paddlin' with the occult," said Granny firmly.
"Once you start paddlin' with the occult you start believing in spirits, and when you start believing in spirits you start believing in demons, and then before you know where you are, you're believing in gods. And then you're in trouble."
"But all them things exist," said Nanny Ogg.
"That's no call to go around believing in them. It only encourages 'em.”
Terry Pratchett : Lords and Ladies
The word “Occult” automatically conjures up (no pun intended) images of spells, shadows and dark magicks.
The first thing we need to understand is that the word itself simply means “hidden”.
So, by extension Occultists study “hidden things”.
Generally speaking, those who are drawn to this kind of study are exploring hidden meanings, or at least deeper meanings, within spiritual teachings and traditions.
“Religions of the Book” (Islam, Judaism and Christianity) all have within them a core of “mystery teachings” - occult teachings - which encourage a deeper understanding of the spiritual traditions of their belief.
It could be argued that the main reason those who studied and looked for the secret traditions within the dominant religions of their time and place have been feared by the priesthood.
In many ways, the quest for knowledge of the nature of the Cosmos has often been the focus of criticism of orthodox religious traditions,
History has shown time and again that those outside of a socially agreed series of beliefs have been persecuted and made the ‘scapegoat’ for all of the ills of the world.
With the apparent rise in religious intolerance and ignorance, it’s time to try and look carefully at those beliefs and practices which have been dismissed as evil, un-godly - occult.
My attitude to the vast amount of literature which forms part of what could be called “Occult Knowledge” is that it represents a body of work that can lead to personal enlightenment and thus empowerment..
“A Witch is a person who has honestly explored their light and has evolved to celebrate their darkness.”
― Dacha Avelin
Those who have been indoctrinated into a religious dogma that is simply “black” and “white” (“good” and “evil”) are truly missing out. The universe is not simply one thing or the other.
Some religions, in an attempt to explain how a Good God allows for bad things to happen, have sought to create something that is not God-like; something that is evil.
Enter “The Devil”
Where there is Darkness there is Light, yet the unbalanced view of some religions has led us to dismiss the dark within us and thus become fearful of it and ourselves.
In Easter Philosophies there seems to be a recognition of the co-existence of light and dark, the Yin and Yang and the importance of understanding how these coexist.
"Summoned, I take the place that has been prepared for me. I'm Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light." - Dalenn in Babylon 5
It could be suggested that Occultists' work recognise that they are standing between a candle and a star; between the darkness and the light.
A New Monthly Post
I had intended to create a course on Occult topics to complement many of the topics covered in The School of Mystery and Magick.
Upon reflection, I realised that a structured series of articles, references and posts might be of more interest to my readers.
Therefore I am creating a new series of monthly (at least) posts on specific topics related to the study of the Occult.
These new posts will be available for a small monthly subscription.
My intention is to start these posts in July 2023 with a series of introductory explorations on the Occult.
A kind of Occult primer.
The series will cover in more detail some of the School of Mystery and Magicks Moot Topics, (recordings of which are available to members of the TSMM)
These posts will be a deep dive into these topics.
If you are interested in the philosophy and practice of what can be The Occult, then this will be of interest to you.
The regular posts will run side by side with these “subscription” posts so you won’t miss out.
The first post in this series will explore Occult Teachings in general and explore the nature of connections between them and will be published early in July,
YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE to The School of Mystery and Magick (TSMM) video and ebook archive here.